Wednesday, 21 April 2010

British Aikido Board Snub the Kenshiro Abbe Memorial

The British Aikido Board
( BAB ) Chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter pictured right. Mr Sumpter was cordially invited as an honoured guest to the Kenshiro Abbe 50th Memorial Event at Crystal Palace London. May 14th 2005.The invitation was at the sugesstion of ` Sports UK `. Mr Sumpter who had previously shown his total lack of interest in the history of British Aikido by supporting Mr Jack Poole during the `British Aikido Controversy`. Mr Sumpter adds a further insult to the lineage and history of British Aikido and the memory of K Abbe Sensei by stating to his executive committee " I will not attend this event ! I would rather resign first ".
The previous BAB chairman Toni Davies stated at a general meeting when asked about the history and lineage of British Aikido from its inception by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei, he replied " We the BAB are not the custodians of Britsih Aikido history, we therefore have no interest in the same ! ".

See the Kenshiro Abbe Memorial video at
Aikido Ellis Video

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